Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cyberpunk 2077 a game that is planned to be more ambitious than The Witcher III: Wild Hunt.

Cyberpunk 2077 a game that is planned to be more ambitious than The Witcher III: Wild Hunt.

The CD Projekt Red Team announced that this new title of RPG, called Cyberpunk 2077,There is still much work to do.

2016, best games, best rpg games, cyberpunk 2077, games, pc games, role playing game, video games,

2016, best games, best rpg games, cyberpunk 2077, games, pc games, role playing game, video games, 

The creators of The Witcher, CD Projekt Red, continue offering information related to Cyberpunk 2077, its anticipated role playing game for PC, which immerse us in a world based on a board game, called, cyberpunk 2020. The title is characterized by its complexity and an argument with many options when it comes to the gameplay. As in all games of CD Projekt RED, decision making and our steps will mark the future in the game. A commitment oriented action that will attempt to maintain the bases and the charm of the old board games. After giving its director a full interview with GameIndustry, the Polish study highlights that Cyberpunk 2077 will be "more ambitious than The Witcher III: Wild Hunt in every way".

2016, best games, best rpg games, cyberpunk 2077, games, pc games, role playing game, video games,

2016, best games, best rpg games, cyberpunk 2077, games, pc games, role playing game, video games, 

CD Projekt has its goal well clear, overcome its earlier title of RPG The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, making Cyberpunk 2077, a game "BetterBigger, More Revolutionary". In this way it was expressed in March, by the director of the study and one of the representative figures, Adam Badowski which also makes clear that this highly anticipated role-playing game still lacks much to be finished. "There is still much work to do"Our objective", concludes,"iis to design a game that marks a before and after".

A task that will not be for nothing simple, but where is the challenge, the opportunity is located., and Marcin Iwinski, CEO of CD Projekt Red argues that the tremendous success of The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, has given to study the possibility of having more and better resources to make Cyberpunk 2077 "Bigger game".

2016, best games, best rpg games, cyberpunk 2077, games, pc games, role playing game, video games,

2016, best games, best rpg games, cyberpunk 2077, games, pc games, role playing game, video games, 

To this end, CD Projekt will increase its workforce, of the 400 current employees to nearly 800 that will be divided into four different teams. For which so many people? Apart from Cyberpunk 2077, the Studio behind the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, also works in a game that will be released this year, as well as other triple A title, which will not arrive before 2021. Of these two projects is not known anything to date. According to Iwiński, the title "will be more ambitious in every one of its aspects, from development to marketing efforts", says.

In the same interview, Iwiński says that CD Projekt RED would be facing a process of internal renovation, leading them to become more like in form and approach to business to Rockstar Games. They believe that it is the best way to go, focusing on few videogames instead of several projects and speaking honestly to the players.

2016, best games, best rpg games, cyberpunk 2077, games, pc games, role playing game, video games,

2016, best games, best rpg games, cyberpunk 2077, games, pc games, role playing game, video games, 

2077 cyberpunk is a science fiction RPG based on the universe of Mike Pondsmith. Officially was raised as a game exclusive to PC, but in 2013 spoke that it would most likely come to consoles, and the success of their last game on these platforms makes thinking about it, so at the moment, is also given by fact that cyberpunk 2077, also will be available on consoles.

2016, best games, best rpg games, cyberpunk 2077, games, pc games, role playing game, video games, 


James Robert said...

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