Best List of MMORPGs

List Of Best RPGs

12 excellent PC Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games

World of Warcraft

Gender role - MMORPG
On sale: November 262004
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game, wow

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

Blizzard has managed to create a world with prodigious power of attraction, which has accumulated a large population of fans, and also being able to follow it doing over the years, if you're a fan of the fantasy rpg, this is a totally obliged experience for you

WoW: The Burning Crusade

Gender role - MMORPG
On sale: January 162007
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game, wow tbc

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

The first time I enter the WoW world, was with this expansion of a mmorpg that already had a good amount of accumulated fame, and was one of the mmorpg that most caught me, whether it be hunting other players in pvp with my Hunter troll, or being the hero who revitalize all my party in a Dungeon with my ORC shaman I have to admit that you enjoy some good times in this fantastic and mythical world... A good expansion of a great game that left me good memories.


WoW: Wrath of the Lich King

Gender role - MMORPG
On sale: November 132008
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game, wow wotlk

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

WoW surprised the world of MMORPGs, taking a gaming market that was not as famous as those already established, involving thousands of new players, and welcoming, all those who were at her waiting for a new sequel of warcrafts, but once unleashed the war of MMOs, other titles such as Warhammer Online and Age of Conan tried to dethrone the reigning champion of the arena , but blizzard, returned back with its new expansion, WoW: Wrath of the Lich King, and those attempts to decrease its popularity by their competition were not accomplished (at least not as assumed).

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Gender role - MMORPG
On sale: December 202011

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game, swtor

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

After years of development, and at a high cost, bioware launches to SWTOR, which comes along with this futuristic theme, protruding between the already seen MMOs of fantasy, dragons by spaceships, swords of legendary steel by Lightsabers... .Huge, varied, epic moments, with great visual appeal and a gameplay bombproof. Does not seem to have the most original role-playing game starting, but BioWare has managed to play their cards very well and incorporate new features to the formula that helped convert to SWTOR in a MMORPG essential for any fan of the genre. 

TERA: True Action Combat

Gender role - MMORPG
On sale: May 3, 2012
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game,tera

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

tired of the MMORPG of click, you want to try a MMORPG where the outcome of a battle, was determined more by your skill, than by the attributes invested in your characters, or level having their armor and weapons, you want this to apply to pve, then TERA Online is your game. Although it has the theme of fantasy that we've seen before, the first attraction that I perceived of TERA Online, was his great combat system, not only was killing mobs and level up, is that each mob acts as a mini boss, with own techniques and weaknesses, making the fighting very entertaining, but watch out and don't be distracted , or you'll end up dead.


Guild Wars 2

Gender role - MMORPG
On sale: August 282012

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game, guild wars 2

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

Aiming to be a MMORPG without quotas, ArenaNet has managed to stand out from its competitors with its outstanding role playing game online. Its splendid PVP is pure Vice, and its PVE facet has the necessary ingredients to non-stop for hours in this absorbing world. Maybe that its combat system have not seized as expected and that is has downplayed her too much to team play, but today are very few games to have fun as well as Guild Wars 2, in short, a game which you must give him a chance.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Gender role - MMORPG
On sale: December 72010

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game, wow cataclysm

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

Though the concept does not break into genres with the already seen before, the new World of Warcraft expansion complies with expectations and continues attracting new players and keeping veterans to become part of the history of the wonderful world of azeroth. With new races, Gilneas Worgen for Alliance and the goblins of the bilgewater Cartel for the Horde, new quests, raids, dungeons and battlegrounds, and not to mention the full redesign that it has suffered the game and the tyrannical work done by Blizzard so that new players have a slightly more pleasant start, still making it clear that WOW is one of the best games of the genre , and the perfect way to venture into MMORPGs.

Final Fantasy XIV - Heavensward

Gender role - MMORPG
On saleJune 23, 2015

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game, wow final fantasy xiv

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

A MMORPG that filled the expectations of many players, now comes with a new expansion, that even though he had a somewhat troublesome start, had the skill of amaze us again, and is that Heavensward makes for many, Final Fantasy XIV the best MMORPG of the moment. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward puts us exactly after the events of A Real Reborn, and brings a lot of content to explore, so many places to visit and so many stories to enjoy, that the best way that you know it is that you experience it for yourself, entering the vast lands of Eorzea, of course now with your magnificent flying mount. Come now, and join this universe that will give you hours of fun.


Gender role - MMORPG
On sale: June 32014

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game, wildstar

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

With a hilarious sense of humor, great mobility and accessibility, wildstar although for a time suffered impact media, demonstrated to the end, be a great mmorpg that was given to us by Carbine Studios. With its unique style, its history, characters and a really unique personality in the world of the MMORPG, not to mention the interesting combat system, WildStar is a game that is worth a try.

The Elder Scrolls Online

Gender role - MMORPG
On sale: April 42014

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game teso

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

The sagas of The Elder Scrolls, have proved over the years, a great addiction to the world of RPGs, gaining large crowd of fans, so it is assumed, that when the news of The Elder Scrolls Online arrived, the enthusiasm felt in the gamer community, and with its latest version released in March 17, 2015 The Elder Scroll Online : Tamriel Unlimited, which apart from providing new play areas, systems of Justice and champions, his great staging, now provide the fact that already, does not require a monthly subscription, this makes it a highly recommended title regardless of your platform.

The Secret World

Gender role - MMORPG
On sale19 June 2012
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game the secret world
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

What would happen if the legends, myths and stories were real, and not in a mythological world, with dragons and elves, nor in a futuristic universe, but in the current present, but that everything has remained hidden to the eyes of the population thanks to the influence of three secret societies: the Templars, the Illuminati and the Dragons. Funcom to created a diamond rough with enormous potential that stands out for its ambiance and design of missions, that only pales by technical mistakes and some lack of content playable. Yet Secret World is a title that it is worth due to being unique in its kind.

Rift: Planes of Telara

Gender role - MMORPG
On saleMarch 12011
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.
best rpg, role playing game rift
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

Set in the magical land of telara, Rift: Planes of Telara is a title that take striking aspects of other titles with a similar style, and giving others own as the public events that are generated randomly, these factors make it fulfill the promise of their developed in creating a title addictive and dynamic, very attractive for the fans to the genre. On the other hand certain aspects such as its pvp, must be retouched, and the missions tend to be somewhat repetitive, but nothing to limit the fun offered by the experience of this game.

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.


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