Sunday, April 3, 2016

5 reasons why the genre of RPG is unique

5 reasons why the genre of RPG is unique

Ladies, gentlemen and chimeras! In this top 5 I will show you some of the reasons why we believe that the RPG genre is the best in the gaming industry.

Before we remind them that this top 5 was created from our point of view, and there are other players who prefer more genres like: Shooter, adventure, fear, strategy, etc. However, we invite you to read about these points to give you a clue of the reasons why we believe that RPGS have the capacity to revolutionise the way in which we see video games, a clear example is that this genre is one of those who have the highest capacity cause emotions in a player and wrap it in a new world in its entirety (one of the points that we will touch later).

Without further ADO, let's begin with the number one:

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rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games.
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games.
 Depth of narrative

One of the key points to make a game transcends from a simple method of entertainment to be an art is the depth of the argument, including that it must be also interesting and surround.

One of the genres that have to this point is the RPG, since it is where the developers have the ability to unleash your imagination and to create interesting characters, engaging stories, spectacular environments and many other things, i.e., to create a new world with all its events, and thus, develop an interesting narrative. Despite the fact that in all genres developer can create spectacular things, in the RPG where you can take advantage of this and exploit its full potential.

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games. 

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games.
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games.
 of the process of personalization of aion online (mmorpg).

Customization of your character

In most of the RPG you have the option of creating the character you control during this voyage, including some you can put background to it, i.e., if you were born in a certain city, that type of family relationship had, his previous occupation, among other aspects. You create a character not only physically or in its appearance but also give him a story, it is not a simple hollow point which does not know because it is there and that motivates him.

Many players tend to create the character the closest to them or to their ideal self, i.e., to that person in that you want to convert or aspire to improve, not only in its appearance but also in its actions. Which brings us to the next point.

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games. 

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games.
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games.
 of dragon age origins, making decisions in a conversation.

Decisions and choices

The RPG genre is in which we see the greatest potential for the system of decisions and choices, when we went to that world we have the ability to choose the path of our character and the way into how reactionary different situations giving us the choice of how to proceed with this system is where you can put us to the test and see that we would do in a certain situation which is our opinion with respect to a certain point of view, the way we react to an event, etc. In such a way that also the morale of the player can be tested.

This point has some relation to the next since the decisions and the ways that we are forging with our character, we can see to the...

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games. 

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games.
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games.
,a good example of rpg, where your actions change the world.
  Player as a central factor of change

As I mentioned previously these decisions and choices we make not only affect our character but to the world that surrounds him, taking us towards one way or the other.
I know that this point not only applies to the RPG but all games that have this well implemented decisions system, but as previously mentioned at another point, in this genre is where he can squeeze more juice and take full advantage, since you have a world with its own history and its unique essence at your disposal.

The player with the roads that take has the ability to cause a change in the world in different ways depending on the importance and impact of decisions. Some examples of franchises that can show us this point are the of: Final Fantasy, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fable, The Witcher, etc. And that I have just mentioned some of the most popular, there are many other deliveries that make clear that the player is a key factor in that world and what may occur through what they choose

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games. 

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games.
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games.
scene of the death of zack in Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
   Ability to cause emotions and feelings in the player

As the Final Fantasy franchise has shown, the RPG, when they have a deep and interesting history are the genres that have greater impact on players emotionally. We know that the well-done psychological horror games have ways spectacular cause anxiety, fear, and even terror (these last two are not the same) but not talk about these feelings, but of sadness, happiness, pride, etc.

When the story has you trapped and wrapped, one is attentive to the events that occur around your character, even more so when you design and give it its own history, then, for suppose a case, imagine after many hours go knowing his history and building character as you want, take care and to identify with him in the end dies... Tell me, that you would feel?

This could be compared in the same way when you read a good book with a great history, is able to take by a roller coaster of emotions, but only if it is well done.

I'd like to conclude with that top that all kinds of video game has the ability to become a piece of art, but in my experience the best video games I've seen, and that touched me... all have been RPG, you can share my opinion dear reader or have another opposite and I would read it in the comments.

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best rpg games, pc games, video games.


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