Thursday, March 31, 2016


Best RPG Games
rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

In the world of video games, as well as in the film, there are different categories. In fact, several share the same name, such as action, adventure and mystery. But there are other more individuals, as the so-called shooters (which could be translated as shooting or shooting games), the survival horror(equivalent to a thriller) and that summons us today: the Role Playing Game, or RPG.

this genus was not born in videogames, and is basically an adaptation of role-playing games based on follow a story assuming, as said it its name, the role of a character who is involved in a story.

This concept is followed in the case of video games, but in a slightly different way, since it is a solo player who enters the story and follows a path for the machine, which is in advance already traced. This departs somewhat from the traditional RPG, which are managed by a master, or game guide.

The RPG video game is a genre that does not like everyone. Many times the game mechanics complicates the user or bores him, so the most ardent gamers are usually those who are interested in these titles. In fact, an RPG is not recommended for anyone looking for hang only a front console, for fun.

The above is reflected in the hours needed to finish a game of this type: more than 40. A normal game is about 15 to 20 hours of gameplay, however the RPG, for those who want to get the maximum out, can even reach 90 to 100 hours of gameplay.

The mechanics of this genre is almost always the same. Although there are slight variations between title and title, the constant is to go up in level through many battles making to earn experience points, which can then be applied to different skills that the character is learning through play. The story is also always similar and is based on the   hero´s journey: the protagonist, usually normal people, are faced with an extraordinary situation, and together with some allies embark on a day in which will meet great friends and powerful enemies, which will lead them to save or change the world, one way or another.

Thinking about people who seek intense stories, RPGs are an excellent alternative. Clear also should take into account that when game is understood, there are immersion in history and player seeks increasingly better challenges, can become addiction.

This type of games, is highly recommended for pre teens. This is due to several factors that can even mold the personality of a child, and even develop some skills that can be very useful in the future to the twelve or thirteen years of age. For example every battle that face should be organized, with a strategy and applying certain logic to overcome the enemy, since this is immune to certain elements and weak against others.

Another plus is that within the stories deal with, usually, issues related to politics and human moral values. Of course, that counted with the prospect of adventure, wrapped in an epic and wonderful journey(which with the graphical capability of current consoles is really amazing), so learning will give a pleasant way.

RPGs are excellent games, in many ways. Leaving aside the factor 'addicting', they contain many more pro than cons. It is like reading an adventure of epic proportions, but with the possibility to interact and be part of it, making decisions that will affect the plot, which will never be the same. And by the way, learn some mythological concepts and lessons that history leaves.

rpg, rpgs, rol, game, rol playing game, best games.

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