Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Elder Scrolls VI, fiction or reality?

The Elder Scrolls VI, fiction or reality?

Todd Howard, the Executive Head of the company announced that bethesda is already working on the next chapter in the saga of The Elders Scrolls.

2016, best games, best rpg games, games, pc games, role playing game, rpg, the elder scrolls VI, video games, 2016, best games, best rpg games, games, pc games, role playing game, rpg, the elder scrolls VI, video games, 

We are working on The Elder Scrolls VI, but that it's "a very long way off. The Executive, on the other hand, also announced words collected by the portal, The Seattle Times, their intention to launch the version of virtual reality of Fallout 4 in 2017.

When it comes to The Elder Scroll 6, players are not only expectant of knowing what will be your proposal in terms of content, but also its release date. Moreover, Bethesda, developer of this franchise, has been working hard on some really important games in recent months.

The case is that while many users were waiting for news about the release of The Elder Scroll 6, but for now the prior to arrival, it would be the moment of the appearance on the scene of a remastered version of The Elder Scroll 5: Skyrim, for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, which would have as a consequence, the delay in the release of The Elder Scroll 6.

For this reason, there are many specialists and players who are beginning to believe that The Elder Scroll 6 could at some point in the year coming, and even later. But waiting for the remastering of Skyrim in the upcoming dates, mouth Pete Hines of Bethesda has ensured that the company does not currently working in a continuation of The Elder Scrolls, which is expected by the users. Hines has been very clear to answering a player on Twitter: "Bethesda Isn't Working on Elder Scrolls 6 "At the Moment".

In any case, what does seem clear is that we will have to wait to enjoy The Elder Scrolls VI and that, as the company has recently revealed, there are other three games in development that promise to surprise the players. Little is known about them, but Bethesda anticipates that they will be very different from the rest of the study titles.

2016, best games, best rpg games, games, pc games, role playing game, rpg, the elder scrolls VI, video games

Skyrim will be remastered in PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Skyrim will be remastered in PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4

On 28 October, skyrim will return to us remastered, bethesda wants to give to its classic role playing adventure a new look, with better graphics and mods on consoles
2016, best games, best rpg games, game, pc games, role playing game, skyrim, the elder scrolls v, video games.,

2016, best games, best rpg games, game, pc games, role playing game, skyrim, the elder scrolls v, video games

For a long time fans of the great The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have prayed for a remastering of this Action RPG, pleas, which were heard by Bethesda Softworks since responded by presenting its Special Edition for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The announcement of the remastering of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One under the name of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Special Edition delighted the public, which was expected to be able to enjoy the game in the current generation, and one of the pleasant surprises is that, according to an official Tweet of the company, it was announced that to thank the users of Steam their unconditional support to the company, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Special Edition will be completely free for those who purchased a copy of the legendary Edition of the game on Steam or have the original with its DLCs.

The video game will feature major graphical improvements focused, for example, the lighting, the quality of the textures, weather and other effects. He has been also confirmed the presence of mods, which will provide new possibilities to the console players. In this way, and as it has been seen recently in Fallout 4, you may add new missions, environments, characters, dialogue, armor and weapons, among other things.

Skyrim PS4, Xbox One vs Skyrim Xbox 360, PS3

  • Compatible with in-game mods
  • Visual enhancements, including remastered effects and higher resolution; volumetric lighting, depth of field dynamics and more
  • Including all the DLC released (Hearthfire, Dragonborn and Dawnguard)

Comparison: Skyrim remastered in PC vs the original

  • Available free for Steam users having the original and all expansions (Hearthfire and Dawnguard, Dragonborn) or the legendary Edition.
  • Compatible with the existing mods, as well as those uploaded by creation kit Bethesda.net
  • Compatible with saved games from the original Skyrim in the Special Edition
  • Compatible with 64-bit, which allows the game access more RAM than the original 32-bit Edition

2016, best games, best rpg games, game, pc games, role playing game, skyrim, the elder scrolls v, video games

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